Deluxe Family

Mountain view. Recommended for a family who want a time of healing at a reasonable rate.


Check In/Out15:00 / 11:00
Accommodation4 persons, Max. 6 
Room Size66~89.1m² 
Bedtype1,500 x 2,000mm 2EA
2(Bathtub or shower stall)

  • Precautions
    For hygiene reasons, the whirlpool function in the bathtub is not available

  • Additional Fee Information
    - More than 5 peoples: additional charge 20,000 won per person (from 8 years old)
    - When only bedding is added: 1 Korean-style futon set: 20,000 won


  • Guestroom
    TV, Internet (free Wifi), refrigerator (4 bottles of mineral water), microwave oven, coffeepot (free tea & coffee), mug, shower robe, hair dryer, Laundry bag, note, pen, slippers, shoe cleaner, shoehorn

  • Bathroom
    bathroom supplies (shampoo, rinse, body wash), comb, vanity (cotton pad, cotton swab), shower cap, tooth mug


  • Free parking (1 per guestroom)
  • Hotel guests are eligible for a benefit (discount) when using certain facilities.
  • There is no minibar in the room, but a complimentary bottle of water is provided per room based on the minimum occupancy.

User Guide

  • All of the guestrooms in our hotel are a non-smoking room.
  • It is not allowed to bring a pet into our hotel. (Except guide dogs for the blind)
  • No free disposable toothbrush, toothpaste, or electric shaver is provided at a guestroom. Such items are sold at the front desk or convenient store.
  • 10% discount when making a reservation for Taebaek citizens (Bring your ID / The applied terms for pre-booking.)


Check In/Out
15:00 / 11:00
2(Bathtub or shower stall)
4 persons, Max. 6
Room size 66m²~ 89.1m²
Bedtype1,500*2,000mm 2EA

* Precautions
For hygiene reasons, the whirlpool function in the bathtub is not available

* Additional Fee Information
More than 5 peoples: additional charge 20,000 won per person (from 8 years old)
When only bedding is added: 1 Korean-style futon set: 20,000 won


TV, Internet (free Wifi), refrigerator (4 bottles of mineral water), microwave oven, coffeepot (free tea & coffee),
mug, shower robe, hair dryer, Laundry bag, note, pen, slippers, shoe cleaner, shoehorn

bathroom supplies (shampoo, rinse, body wash), comb, vanity (cotton pad, cotton swab), shower cap, tooth mug


  • Free parking (1 per guestroom)
  • Hotel guests are eligible for a benefit (discount) when using certain facilities.
  • There is no minibar in the room, but a complimentary bottle of water is provided per room based
    on the minimum occupancy.

User Guide

  • All of the guestrooms in our hotel are a non-smoking room.
  • It is not allowed to bring a pet into our hotel. (Except guide dogs for the blind)
  • No free disposable toothbrush, toothpaste, or electric shaver is provided at a guestroom.
    Such items are sold at the front desk or convenient store.
  • 10% discount when making a reservation for Taebaek citizens (Bring your ID / The applied terms for pre-booking.)

Taebaek Branch, DongHae Boyang Hot-Spring Convention Hotel, Co.

Representative: Lee, Yong-cheol  

Tel. 033-553-5500

Business Registration No. 769-85-01779

Taebaeksanro 4761 (Sodong-dong), Taebaek-si, Gangwon-do (26043)

Copyright (c) 2022  All right reserved.

Taebaek Branch, DongHae Boyang Hot-Spring Convention Hotel, Co., Ltd    

Representative. Lee, Yong-cheol     Tel.  033-550-5800

Business Registration No. 769-85-01779     

LOCATION. Taebaeksanro 4761 (Sodong-dong), Taebaek-si, Gangwon-do (26043)

Copyright (c) 2022  All right reserved.